Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit and Other Thoughts

Some are calling it the British Independence Day!

The global order was rocked by the developments that took place last week when British citizens decided to exit the European Union.

I think Brexit was a great win for the populist movement.

I think the globalist factions will purposely cause economic chaos in order to offset the Brexit victory. The British bond rating has already been lowered to AAA and the fear mongering by the elites has been going at a fever pitch.

My advice to the British people is not being deterred by the propaganda and fear mongering of the mainstream media. They are trying their best to incite the clueless trendy masses into rebelling against the populist rebuke of the unelected EU.

My Advice to Donald Trump for 6/27/16

- You need to blow the cover off the globalist institutions running everything
- You need to expose the mainstream media as controlled
- You need to call out those who have sold out this country to globalism
- You need to make simple videos explaining nationalism and why nation states need to exist
- Finally, you need to explain the NWO plan and identify those who are conspiring against this nation.

 Random Thoughts for 6/27/16

- There needs to be more efforts by those of us of the patriot movement to expose the mainstream media for the phonies that they are.
- George Will is a moron and an embarrassment to the journalism profession.
- I think Elizabeth Warren took a huge step towards securing a vice president nod from Horrible Hillary Clinton
- Why are there UN trucks popping up in places around the US?
- These mainstream media polls projecting Clinton ahead of Trump are probably bogus.
- The LGBT community needs to realize that conservatives may not agree with their lifestyle choices but would defend them from radical Islamic terrorists. 
- If Trump loses the election you can blame the legions of idiots who have no idea what is going on in the world.
- I think Jeff Sessions would be a good VP pick for Trump but Ron Paul would be the better choice.

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