Friday, February 5, 2016

When in the Course of Human Events...

Something has to change.

As I sit here this morning writing this blog post I think about the current state of this government. I think about the millions of ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. I think about a privileged political class that says one thing and does something completely else. I think about the journalistic profession that has gone from objectivity to collusion with the powers that be who could care less about the needs of the American people. 

I think about many things.

First off, I love this country. I love the freedoms that are guaranteed to us under the Constitution. We are one imperfect union. A melting pot of different ideals and beliefs. I think it is safe to say that there are a majority of Americans who love this country and just want to have a piece of the American Dream.

However, I see that dream which has been woven into the fabric of Americana is slowing being eroded away. I see people making less and less money. I see young people starting out their journey saddled in debt. I see divisions among Americans that are tearing apart the common bonds that bind us.

At the same time I see politicians betraying the populace by putting the needs of global banks and organizations ahead of the best interests of the people they are supposed to serve. I see the mainstream media controlled by a small group of people who don't hold the best interests of the American people.

I see... too much!

So, that is why I have decided to stand up. Yes, I am one person but my forefathers were in similar places over 200 years ago. I am not calling for a revolution by force. I calling for a revolution in thought. A awakening. An awakening where the common person, whomever they are, regardless of where they live, to unite and to take our country back.

We the People. Yes. Black, White, Orange, Man, Woman, Christian, Jew, Muslim, whatever! We are Americans. We need to pull together and put our needs back where they belong.

We do live in a world that is more connected. But it doesn't mean that we need to give up OUR identity as Americans to bow down to some greater world entity.

I was a former journalist. I have been published on the regional and national stage. I left journalism because I realized that it was no longer a honorable profession. Journalists are no longer free. They are beholden to editors and the power of corporate and political interests.
The truth, well, you won't hear that at a mainstream newspaper or on Fox News or Find your own truth. I will do my best to report it!

God Bless America

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