Sunday, February 28, 2016

Did We Really Win the Cold War?

That is the question that has been going through my mind of late.

Much of my formative years took place during the 1970's and 80's. There were was always this prevalent fear about nuclear war with the Soviet Union and the destruction of our homeland.

These fears were reflected in popular culture in and movies such as "The Day After" that chronicled the lives of residents who lived near several Minuteman missile silos outside Kansas City. In the movie, there is a full scale nuclear strike on the United States that pretty much ends life as we know it. The movie hit home with a lot of people, including Ronald Reagan, who was reported to have been visibly shaken after watching the film.

The threat of nuclear annihilation was one of the aspects that helped bring the United States and the Soviet Union together. The continual buildup of forces and the Afghan war were key factors in the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries.

By the end of the 1980's it seemed that Communism would go the way of the eight track player and beta cassettes. Waves of democratic populism swept across the Eurasian continent, ending dictatorships from East Germany to Romania. The hammer and sickle came crashing down in 1990 as the Soviet Union dissolved into separate states. A new red, white, and blue flag flew over the Kremlin and it seemed like the Cold War was finally over.

But was it?

Did the Cold War actually end in 1990 with the western powers led by the United States reaping the benefits? Or was the end of the Cold War a cover for a plan that was much more sinister that would not come to fruition for decades?

It wasn't long after the official end of the Cold War that president George H. W. Bush proclaimed that there was good chance for a New World Order.

A New World Order? What is a New World Order?

A New World Order is basically a global centralized government where you have an elite ruling class and a common populace. In 1990, there wasn't a framework in place to roll out this New World Order. In order to be able to have a New Work Order you need complete control over the populace. That aim and goal would have not been possible in the late 1980's.

So, how do you bring about those aims? First off, you need to end the Cold War. You cannot have two common enemies. You need to bring about a false peace so you can implement your plan for a New World Order. During the Cold War, both sides were awake and vigilant. You could not get away with implementing a plan when the spotlights are on and the dog patrols are searching the perimeter.

It would have to be done in another way.

There are a couple of things that need to be done in order to accomplish this. The first thing you need to do is have a period of prolonged peace. For twenty or so years so you have a generation that has not grown up with the specter of war. Next, you need to consolidate power. You need to create geopolitical partnerships that slowly erode away the individual nation-states. This can be done with nation-state unions as well as trade deals. Socially, you need to break up the family and religious systems and replace them autonomous systems reliant on the state. You need to destroy personal identity and confuse gender lines. You need to destroy the patriarchy and weaken masculinity. You need to socially shame people who disagree with the new trends to discourage them from dissenting. You need to promote globalism and destroy the economic bases of Western powers, most specifically the United States. This will make the common class dependent on government assistance. You need to consolidate all forms of payment into one controlled currency that can be taxed as well as controlled if need be. And finally, you need to stage a false flag incident as an excuse to consolidate power.

That is the aims of a New World Order.

Sound familiar?

Do you really think we won the Cold War or was winning the "Cold War" actually a cover for something much more nefarious?

Where do you think we are now? Are we close to the New World Order that Bush talk so gleefully about almost 30 years ago?

I guess only time will tell!

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