Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Wanna play CLUE in West Texas?

The most conservative justice on the Supreme Court died this past weekend due to "natural causes".

Case closed!

Well, that is what the mainstream media would like you to believe.

Antonin Scalia was by far the most conservative and outspoken member of the SCOTUS. He held the line on many flashpoint issues including gay marriage, abortion, and gun laws. He was reviled by liberals and lauded by conservatives as a defender of the constitution.

The 79 year old justice died this past weekend. There was no autopsy. No investigation. Not a peep from the mainstream media.

The only two major independent voices who have questioned the official narrative are Alex Jones of Infowars and Michael Savage of the Savage Nation.

Isn't that supposed to be the job of journalists?

Apparently not!

There are reports that Scalia was found with a pillow over his head. It is also reported that Scalia stayed at a ranch of a well-known democratic donor who has close ties to President Obama.

By the way, this person also was in the military and a member of the special forces.

But nothing to see here! Nothing to see!

God forbid someone like Jones or Savage questions the official narrative. The mainstream media has called persons like Jones "kooks" or "conspiracy theorists".

As of Tuesday evening, there has been no autopsy. According to Joe Biggs of Infowars, the bodily fluids needed for an investigation have been disposed.

Of course, there is a good chance as well that Scalia died of the official cause, natural causes. But a person of the statue of Scalia should have had a full autopsy to eliminate the chance of foul play.

He was a Supreme Court justice! 

This smells fishy to me. Why aren't journalists down in Texas doing an investigation? Why was there not a detail assigned to Scalia? Why would Scalia go away for a hunting weekend on Valentine's Day weekend? Where are the security tapes?

I'm ashamed that the mainstream controlled media has failed once again to do their job. Not a peep!

So what does this mean?

Well, it means that Obama will try to nominate a replacement who is on the far left end of the spectrum. If confirmed, this person will pave the way for radical changes to the way we live our lives as Americans.

Game changer!

What do I think? I think it is really odd that a justice on the Supreme Court was not given an official autopsy. How can you determine within hours that Scalia died of "natural causes?"

You can't!

Either there was gross negligence or he was murdered.

I just wish the mainstream media would get a CLUE.

Investigate DAMMIT!

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